KommentareDas Gästebuch ist geschlossen. Wenn Du einen Kommentar loswerden willst, schick bitte eine Mail an advent05@konzertjunkie.de. NORDLAND TV Hey guys! My name is Dominik, I'm from Germany and I have posted on that guest book before, but to keep it simple, I'm gonna stick to English now. The calendar is still what makes me get up in the morning and gets me thru the day...it is simply awesome. I can't find appropriate words to express my enthusiasm. With regard to the NORDLAND TV excerpt - would it be possible for you guys to provide it for downloading? The broadcast is great and I'm kinda scared they'll take it off their website...I don't want to lose that gemstone!! Well, thanx for everything! Keep the Kaizers spirit alive! Dominik - 2005/12/8 1:26 PM
haha, yeah, now i got my chance to improve my skills in norwegian :) great! but ok, now i won't bother you anymore with my interpretations, i'll just go listen to kaizers and have nice dreams about them.. :P tavlikki - 2005/12/8 12:23 AM
Thanks for your hints! You picked the right day... =;-) Sure, kistå means coffin in that sentence, but isn't that interpretation already? And yes, taken care of is probably more idiomatic, you're right. Susi S. - 2005/12/8 12:07 AM
i still love this calendar! (even though it keeps me awake until 1 o'clock because i want to see the new things right away..) so thank you for taking the time to make it :) not that i'm an expert in norwegian or anything, but i just wanted to say something about your translations.. >And all I ask for is a box or two doesn't "kistå" here mean coffin? >I was taken by the hand by a certain Mr. Kaizer i was taken care of, right? and in die polizei i ran, not jumped.. otherwise really nice work :) can hardly wait to see what's next.. tavlikki - 2005/12/7 11:49 PM
Awesomelicious! This is an awesome advent calender! Kudos! Ghost of the inevitable Kaizer (www.freewebs.com/kaizersinst) - 2005/12/7 6:52 PM
Und offiziell kommt man an das Album zum Beispiel über www.cdon.com - oder beim nächsten Norwegenurlaub im Plattenladen Ihrer Wahl! =;-) Übrigens gibt es die Lieder von Blod, Snått & Juling offiziell zum Runterladen - auf www.drmowinckel.com (Anmeldung ist kostenlos, und dann findet man die Downloads unter Mafia - Marcellos Kjeller). Susi S. - 2005/12/6 7:15 PM
dr.lohs@web.de danke im voraus!!! greg - 2005/12/6 6:37 PM
@greg: Gib mir deine e-mail und ich schick dir ein paar lieder, net alle aber schon einige. JO - 2005/12/6 4:59 PM
weiß jemand wie man ans album von gnom kommt? greg - 2005/12/6 2:02 PM
TOLL!!! Danke für diese Polizei. Ich selbst war beim hören zu Tränen gerührt. DANKEDANKEDANKE! Jan - 2005/12/6 12:31 AM