CommentsThe guestbook has been closed. If you want to submit a comment, please mail it to hmm. that finnish translation sounds kinda funny.(well i probably couldn't make a better one myself so..) i take it that it was translated from the english version? anyway, kontrolli finland, det venter jeg på! :) tavlikki - 2005/12/14 12:18 AM
oh my god, i killed the jackal! anonym - 2005/12/13 6:12 PM
Thank you for the Internasjonalen song! That's the one song I've been missing off my playlist, since I already had Bastard and a version of Die Polizei. Thanks again from your local American Kaizerfan. :D Nae ( - 2005/12/10 5:17 PM
Pshshsht! Don't reveal our big secret for the 24th! *gg* Susi S. - 2005/12/10 12:36 AM
ohhhh you did it again! internasjonalen is a song i've really been wanting to get my hands on.. probably the only way you could make this calendar still better would be to somehow get kaizers to play in my hometown through it ;) tavlikki - 2005/12/10 12:30 AM
Das KGB hat wirklich was komunistisches.:-D JO - 2005/12/10 12:13 AM
Yeah, that interview was kind of confused and confusing. It was actually our first interview with Kaizers -- in the stuffy backstage room of the Prime Club in Cologne. It is kind of funny to listen to it now. Hehe... @tavlikki: that is right, kiste is actually coffin. I will correct it as soon as I am home. Always glad about corrections!! Shirin ( - 2005/12/9 6:41 PM
cool interview :) especially the last minute or so, it sounds like they don't really even know what the song is about.. haha. tavlikki - 2005/12/9 12:42 AM
Dominik: Well, the problem is that we don't have the copyright for the video, so no, we can't put it up for download. You can try to contact Nordland TV to get it. (Or you could just dump the video yourself. Google is your friend, and "mplayer" might be the right word for that... =;-)) Susi S. - 2005/12/8 11:41 PM
Helloooooooow! Synes det var en flott hjulekalender, med en fantastisk 2-og-2-like-memoryspill! Gå Kaizers:D Maiby ( - 2005/12/8 8:23 PM